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Sunday, April 7, 2013 | 8:33 AM | 0 Comment(s)
My High School Life Story :) <3

Adults say that the most exciting and happiest moments on a student’s life happen in high school.  
I don’t believe in this before.Just because I can’t feel it.I thought, when I first had the knowledge about it, everything was absurd or let’s just say it’s true to “some” but not to “all.” But lately, when I tried to reminisce my past years as a student,starting from elementary when I keep praying for fevers just so I can’t attend school,when I’m still a “girl-in-pig-tails” and until now that I am already upcoming freshman student in college,I’m quite convinced that the adults are always right.I know some of you can already prove it but others may still ask: “Why do they find high school life exciting?” Well, let’s start when we first step into high school and that was in first year when everything’s like a new world.My freshmen year of high school was an amazing eye-opener for me. I still remember the awkward silence on the corridors of the HS department on the first day of classes.I am a transferee but  I know some of the people because i have studied in UNO-R
before.Freshmen times were full of curiosity might as well little fizzles. However, I believe I didn't behave like a good-for-nothing,a thing I would regret happening, and of course not a goof-off – not my style. It was also full of fear and anxious feelings. But I knew it won’t take so long either. All it needed was adjustments as
much as further push.I learned it is good to have fun… but just do your homework.My sophomore life. It was full of enjoyment and merriment as traces of childish behaviors trailed off. It was the time when we
forged bonds - strong friendships to be specific. Everyone was all in one hand as we started to become competitive in our own ways. Confusions fade away as confidence started to replace them in light.
 Those were the times when we were bound to rise and face any obstacles we learned to enjoy parties
I also met my bestest of friends which till now are and always be.This is the year most had their first love and
first heartbreak. The first time i fall in love, the first time this only one boy has ever really wrapped my stomach into pretzels.the first person that i truly loved but nothing lasts forever Junior year people change,friends leave,school dramas,but met new friends that completed the NINJAS <3 and the year we decided to join the UNO-R HS FOOTBALL GIRLS TEAM which i will never regret.These were the times of great battles, wherein you just actually need a good sense of fighting.My year was full of downs, cuts,and bruises. But I will never be someone I am now if those things didn’t happen.Uneventful year except ofcourse my first prom. SENIOR YEAR was definitely the BEST at first i thought senior year would be just
another boring year but This is the year where the teamwork of our batch strengthen. Spending spare time with friends and having a good time are equally as important as doing well during senior year We all work so hard to make the last year a memorable one.Senior events that make us more united.This is year that I had most memories in. Sports-fest  blue o'clock, prom, field trip  parents night, and of course our GRADUATION DAY.That without my my fellow seniors,Class org, teachers, will never happen. Thank you for making it possible and being a part of my high school life.If I would to go back in high school? I would definitely choose my senior year,Experience is said to be the greatest teacher, and I strongly believe that.
I had been through a lot during my high school years. There were many times when I was down. There were many times when I was emotionally hurt. There were many times when I stumble and fall, and barely could stand up again. But the lesson is,one cannot learn how to stand up and be strong unless he/she first fall.High school life will always be memorable for me, because it is where I truly learned what life is really all about.I learned to cherish the little things I have with my loved ones. I learned to be contented whatever I have right now.I learned how to stand still and be strong no matter what life throws at me. I learned how to respect,
care, and love the people around me which surely I will bring with me for the rest of my life.


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