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what's the perfect guy for you? ♥
Monday, May 14, 2012 | 10:58 AM | 0 Comment(s)

My perfect guy? Someone who's really nice, someone who i can bring home with me and introduce to my family, someone who i can trust and who can trust me, someone who wont give up on me no matter how hard i am to deal with, someone who will love me no matter what,someone that will love me for me, someone who can carry a conversation since i pretty much kill conversations on accident, someone who listens to my stories no matter how stupid it is, someone who gives me good advice, someone who wont force me into doing things i don't want to do, someone who wont keep our relationship a secret but instead be proud of having me, someone who's okay with taking things slow, someone who is respectful of me and my decisions, someone who loves my imperfections, someone who doesn't want me to change but loves me just the way i am, someone who can stay up and sing me to sleep when i cant sleep, someone who wants to be with me and will make an effort to see me as much as he can, someone who gives me his shirt/jacket, someone who isn't afraid to show how much he loves me in front of my friends, someone who'll have movie marathons with me, someone who cant stand seeing me sad, someone who'll kiss/hug me unexpectedly, someone who opens the door for me, someone who makes me feel safe, someone who will never cheat on me, someone who will tell me the truth no matter what, someone who'll put his arm around me when watching movies, and lastly, someone who will never let me doubt his love for me.  i hope someday i can find the perfect guy for me. ♥

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Layout : Dian Az-zahra
Tutorial : Kak Lettha Qay
Background And Images : ABC
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