//Soft Blue

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happy feeling day! :D
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 | 10:27 AM | 0 Comment(s)
this constant ache of emotion eats me from the inside as my 
exterior shows no pain.
my screams are heard as whispers,but its okay,nothing will happen anyway,
 not all scars show.
for now, I've perfected that smile for it hides my insecurities,it hides my anger and 
my sorrow,my sadness,
and my envy.A smile hides those tears i cried yesterday and that broken heart that 
refuses to heal.it hides my flaws and regrets.it hides my pain and my fears, my hate and 
my jealousy.a smile hides the real me.I feel
like now,i should come with a warning label: "If you don't want to stick around with 
my life then, don't even bother introducing yourself again. I can't get hurt anymore. :)

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Layout : Dian Az-zahra
Tutorial : Kak Lettha Qay
Background And Images : ABC
Best Viewed In Google Chrome

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