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cool saturday ♥
Saturday, April 14, 2012 | 11:58 AM | 0 Comment(s)
I can't remember the last time I had so much fun 
and bonding time with my family.
This was a fabulous experience just so much fun it was the day that i never thought about him. HAHAHA :D♥
I woke up early and went to the chapel with my family
,We had a superb lunch at my grandma's house then went 
home and rest for awhile, then went shopping at Rob.
 Go bowling and went to panaad hang around for awhile,
then went to greenoz and lastly we got our dinner at 
imays. Tiring but worth it. ♥ :") Thank you Lord for this wonderful day. ♥ Mom,I wish you were here.

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Layout : Dian Az-zahra
Tutorial : Kak Lettha Qay
Background And Images : ABC
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