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back to the past ♥
Thursday, March 22, 2012 | 8:38 AM | 0 Comment(s)
Things end but Memories last forever. ♥ timeline: JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH my friends.the memories. the nights that lasted forever and the days that went by slowly. the nights that will replay in our heads all through put high school as the best days ever.the boys that makes us smile.the boys that have broke our hearts with the promise they never kept,the alcohol that we drank all too quickly on nights that everything seems to be going wrong,the other girls who hated us for being "perfect" and envied the life we led,so here's to you guys the friends that have stayed by my side.when i didn't know who i was,the friends that i will never trade for anything because my FRIENDS ARE MY LIFE ♥ Labels: iLove ♥ |
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